Our Vision:
A world where pancreatic cancer is the most curable cancer.

In Honor & Memory
of those battling,
those who have battled, and those who have survived
pancreatic cancer
The Michael W. Oglesby Foundation is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization established in memory of Michael “Faj” Oglesby. We serve to educate the community about pancreatic cancer, to provide and enhance support for those affected, and to increase survival rates by fundraising for early detection through research. Our mission is to bring hope and treatment to everyone touched by pancreatic cancer. Our vision is a world where pancreatic cancer is the most curable cancer.
Making a donation is easy! Make a donation online via our Donate page or send a check through the mail to the MWOF.
Don't forget to set your Amazon Smile account to the MWOF. Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to your charitable organization!
Join the MWOF Team on FlipGive to earn funds with every online purchase from major retailers (Nike, Target, Kohl's, TurboTax, Starbucks, Walmart, Groupon, etc.) made via FlipGive!